Member of
1. Article Title
The title of the article is written in Times New Roman 14 cpi font and bolded.
The author's name must be written in full (without title) in Times New Roman 13 cpi and bolded.
The author's name must be followed by the name of the author's institution, the institution's address, and the email of the first, second and so on authors with Times New Roman 11 cpi letters.
2. Abstract
Abstract is written in Times New Roman 12 cpi font and spaced 1 (one).
Abstract is written in Indonesian and English with a total of 100-150 words.
Abstract must contain a brief description of the background of the problem or phenomenon, objectives, methods, research results and conclusions.
Keywords are written in one1 and consist of 3-5 words.
3. Article Content
The contents of the article are typed in Times New Roman 12 cpi font and spaced 1 space apart.
The text is typed in a print area with margins from top, bottom, left, right made 3 cm. A4 paper size, 8.27 inch width, 11.69 inch height.Layout: 0.5 inch header, 0.5 inch footer. The text does not need to be numbered.
The number of pages of the article is between 8-15 pages including bibliography.
the structure of the manuscript consists of: (a) title, (b) author's name, without academic title, (c) abstract, (d) keywords, (e) introduction, (f) literature review, (g) method, (h) results and discussion, (i) conclusions and suggestions, and (j) bibliography.
4. Citation Format
Cite in book format
Kotler, Philip (2012). Fundamentals of Marketing Management. 2nd Edition. New York: Mc Graw Hill.
Rivai, V., et al. (2010). Human Resource Management for Companies: From Theory to Practice. Jakarta: Rajawali Press.
Citing in journal article format
Izvercian, M., Radu, A., Ivascu, L., & Ardelean, B.-O. (2014). The Impact of Human Resources and Total Quality Management on the Enterprise. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 124, 27-33.
Citing in conference proceedings format
Rachmi, A, (2014). Industrial Relations in Indonesian Medium Enterprises, (pp. 28-31). Malang: Malang State Polytechnic.
Citing in thesis, thesis or dissertation format
Lucky Radi Rinandiyana. (2010). The Effect of Store Image on Cutomer Loyalty with Customer Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable for Asia Plaza Customers in Tasikmalaya city. Thesis, Master of Science in Management Study Program. University of General Soedirman.