• Muhammad Taufik Reyhan Universitas Ibnu Sina
  • Rosita Septiani Universitas Ibnu Sina
Keywords: social media, media social advertising, behavioural responses, informativeness


In line with the development of Instagram usage as social media,   many   companies   advertise   their   offerings   through Instagram  to  build  consumers’ purchase  intention  through  e-commerce. A conceptual model which determine the impact of various advertising content factors such as informativeness, entertaintment, credibility, interactivity and privacy concerns on attitude of millennials and gen-Z towards social media advertising. This research aims to explore and identify the factors on Instagram ads that significantly influence purchase intention on e-commerce.  Mixed-methods  areconducted  through  interviews, focus group discussion, literature review, and survey. The findings show  that  promotion,  image,  and  information  on  Instagram significantly  influence  purchase  intention  through e-commerce. The  e-commerce  companies couldbenefit from the  research findings to optimize  their  marketing  communicationand  increase the e-commerce transaction.


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