Jurnal Teknik Ibnu Sina (JT-IBSI) http://ojs3.lppm-uis.org/index.php/JT-IBSI <p>Jurnal Teknik Ibnu Sina (JT-IBSI) e-ISSN: <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1463050461">2541-2647</a> at <a href="http://ojs3.lppm-uis.org/index.php/JT-IBSI/index">http://ojs3.lppm-uis.org/index.php/JT-IBSI/index</a>) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific articles from various engineering disciplines.</p> <p>Articles published in JT-IBSI (Jurnal Teknik Ibnu Sina) include the results of original scientific research (top priority), new scientific review articles (not priority), or comments or criticism of scientific work published by JT-IBSI (Jurnal Teknik Ibnu Sina) .</p> <p>JT-IBSI (Jurnal Teknik Ibnu Sina) is published by LPPM Ibnu Sina University.</p> <p>This journal accepts manuscripts or articles in the field of engineering from various scientists and researchers both nationally and internationally.</p> <p>Articles published in JT-IBSI (Jurnal Teknik Ibnu Sina) are articles that have gone through a peer-review process. The decision to accept scientific articles in this journal is the right of the Editorial Board based on recommendations from Peer-Reviewers.</p> Fakultas Teknik Universitas Ibnu Sina en-US Jurnal Teknik Ibnu Sina (JT-IBSI) 2541-2647 EVALUASI DAN OPTIMASI NILAI OVERALL EQUIPMENT EFFECTIVENESS DENGAN DESIGN OF EXPERIMENT DI PT. DBI http://ojs3.lppm-uis.org/index.php/JT-IBSI/article/view/721 <ol> <li>DBI merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang <em>cosmetoceutical </em>yang memproduksi produk produk perawatan kulit. Unit produksi yang ada di PT. DBI adalah <em>mixing, </em>pengemasan primer dan pengemasan sekunder dimana unit produksi <em>mixing </em>menjadi unit produksi kritikal. Penelitian ini melakukan pengukuran efektivitas unit produksi <em>mixing </em>dengan <em>overall equipment effectiveness </em>dan <em>six big losses </em>serta desain eksperimen faktorial untuk mengetahui faktor apa yang paling berpengaruh terhadap nilai OEE. Untuk mesin <em>vacuum homogenizer </em>30Kg dan 350Kg secara berturut-turut memiliki rata-rata <em>availability rate </em>sebesar 81,01% dan 91,1%, <em>performance rate </em>sebesar 74,13% dan 37,50% dan <em>quality rate </em>sebesar 96,97% dan 96,76% dengan rata-rata OEE sebesar 58,32% dan 33,19%. Sedangkan nilai <em>six big losses </em>pada mesin <em>vacuum homogenizer </em>30Kg dan 350Kg secara berturut-turut adalah 0,86% dan 0,79% pada <em>breakdown loss,</em>17,13% dan 18,12% pada <em>setup and adjustment loss, </em>2,57% dan 12,06% untuk <em>reduced speed loss,</em>36,32% dan 53,29% untuk <em>idling and minor stoppages loss </em>serta 1,93% dan 0,68% untuk <em>rework loss</em>. Dilakukan analisis menggunakan diagram pareto, <em>fishbone</em> dan FMEA untuk ketiga faktor OEE. Desain eksperimen dan <em>respon surface </em>menghasilkan regresi linear pada mesin 30Kg dan 350Kg secara berturut turut adalah OEE = -79,51 + 0,66A + 0,53B + 0,51C dan OEE = -122,83 + 1,25A + 2,46B + 0,3C – 0,02AC.</li> </ol> Achmad Bahauddin Putro Ferro Ferdinant Gilang Praditya Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Teknik Ibnu Sina (JT-IBSI) 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 02 87 99 10.36352/jt-ibsi.v8i02.721 RANCANG BANGUN TRAINER KIT TURBIN MODEL SAVONIUS SEBAGAI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN http://ojs3.lppm-uis.org/index.php/JT-IBSI/article/view/724 <p>Pemanfaatan energi angin yang dinilai bersih dan dapat mengurangi tingkat pencemaran pada lingkungan. Dalam pemanfaatannya Energi angin dapat diubah menjadi energi kinetik atau energi listrik. Adanya terobosan baru alat trainer kit model savonius, diharapkan kedepannya bisa membantu mahasiswa dalam proses sarana pembelajaran ataupun praktikum, untuk menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan pada mata kuliah konversi energi. Penelitian ini membahas pemanfaatan energi angin melalui alat trainer kit model Savonius yang diharapkan dapat menjadi sumber pembelajaran di Politeknik Negeri Subang. Proses manufaktur meliputi pembuatan rangka atas, rangka bawah, turbin, dudukan turbin, alas blower, alas panel meter, dan dudukan anemometer dengan metode pemotongan, pengeboran, dan pengelasan. Uji kinerja alat menunjukkan hasil pada dua pengujian yang menampilkan tegangan, arus, dan putaran poros pada kecepatan angin yang berbeda. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan variasi kecepatan aliran angin dan tekanan pada bagian atas, tengah, dan bawah turbin Savonius.</p> Aditya Nugraha Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Teknik Ibnu Sina (JT-IBSI) 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 02 100 107 10.36352/jt-ibsi.v8i02.724 PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI PENJUALAN BUKU BUCERDAS http://ojs3.lppm-uis.org/index.php/JT-IBSI/article/view/722 <p><em>A good information system will really support every activity, especially in cyberspace. Books that previously could only be ordered or purchased in bookstores can now be done in cyberspace (the internet), on the internet. Customers can search for books in the book catalog based on book categories, and can search in the menu bar. The book ordering system here describes the activity of ordering books on the internet network which provides easy facilities for book consumers in searching for information about the book they are looking for. This project aims to design and create a book ordering information system that makes it easy to order books on the website and also easy to view the required book information. The benefit of this system is that it makes it easier for book consumers to no longer have to bother looking for the books they need by traveling long distances to buy books. The system creation method includes system analysis in the form of a FlowChart, system design in the form of a Context Diagram, DFD, ERD. The results of the system are applied in the form of web design using the PHP programming language and database management using MySQl with the Apache web server.</em></p> AKHMAD SAYUTI Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Teknik Ibnu Sina (JT-IBSI) 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 02 108 118 10.36352/jt-ibsi.v8i02.722 PERBANDINGAN METODE JARINGAN SYARAF TIRUAN DAN POHON KEPUTUSAN UNTUK PREDIKSI CHURN http://ojs3.lppm-uis.org/index.php/JT-IBSI/article/view/725 <p><em>Churn is a customer's behaviour to quit using product or service and then move to another company. Customer churn is serious problem that must be handled to keep company survive. Handling of churn customers starts from predicting which customers will churn. One approach in predicting customer churn is data mining. This study compares two classification methods in data mining namely artificial neural networks and decision trees in banking industry case. The result showed that the artificial neural network has accuracy 86% and precision 71%, which is better than the decision tree. However, the decision tree has a better recall value than the artificial neural network, which is 58%..</em></p> Dahnial Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Teknik Ibnu Sina (JT-IBSI) 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 02 119 128 10.36352/jt-ibsi.v8i02.725 PENERAPAN METODE FORECASTING PADA PEMAKAIAN BAHAN BAKU PADA UNIT RAWMILL PT XY http://ojs3.lppm-uis.org/index.php/JT-IBSI/article/view/730 <p>Pada proses produksi semen pada PT.Semen Padang terkhusus pada proses <em>Rawmill</em> untuk&nbsp; devisi Indaruang II/III dalam pengunaan Bahan Baku yang optimal maka perlu dilakukan peramalan pengunaan bahan baku, PT.Semen Padang menggunakan bahan baku berupa tanah liat (<em>Clay</em>), batu kaput, Batu Silica, <em>Gypsum</em>, <em>Pozzoland, </em>pasir besi atau <em>Copper Slag. </em>Pada proses produksi pemakaian bahan baku terbanyak adalah Material <em>Pozzoland</em>, karena banyak dibutuhkan persediaaan bahan baku yang harus disediakan PT.Semen Padang Penting untuk memperkirakan persedian bahan baku tersebut agar bisa mendapatkan nilai ekonomis pada proses produksi, Unit <em>Cement Mill </em>merupakan bagian yang diamati mengenai pemakaian <em>Pozzoland </em>tersebut. Metode <em>Forecasting </em>merupakan metode yang membantu untuk memberikan usulan. Data Proses Produksi yang di amati adalah mengenai data pemakaian <em>Pozzoland </em>pada unit <em>Cement Mill</em>. &nbsp;Penilaian menggunakan dua metoe peramalan yaitu metode Regresi Linier dan Metode Eksponensial berdasarkanPerhitungan yang dilakukan dengan kedua metode di dapat hasil perhitungan Mape dimana untuk regresi linier &nbsp;memiliki nilai 20 dan metode eksponensial sebesar 19 untuk metode yang terpilih adalah metode ekponesial dengan nilai mape sebesar 19 karena memiliki nilai error lenih kecil dibandingkan menggunakan metode regresi linier.</p> Siti Aisyah Jamal Rizki Prakasa Hasibuan Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Teknik Ibnu Sina (JT-IBSI) 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 02 129 138 10.36352/jt-ibsi.v8i02.730 PENGENDALIAN KUALITAS ZINC PHOSPHATE COATING DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE SPC DAN FMEA PADA PT. XYZ http://ojs3.lppm-uis.org/index.php/JT-IBSI/article/view/638 <p>Selama proses produksi, di PT. XYZ masih terdapat berbagai macam permasalahan kualitas yang dihadapi. Salah satunya adalah permasalahan kualitas pada proses perawatan permukaan yaitu <em>zinc phosphate coating</em>. Berbagai macam jenis <em>defect </em>yang ditemukan secara visual seperti <em>non-homogeneity</em>, <em>oxidation, d</em>an <em>charcoal effect. </em>Tingkat kecacatan pada proses <em>zinc phosphate</em> pada tahun 2022 mencapai 3,08% dari total jumlah produksi setiap bulannya. Target Manajemen PT. XYZ untuk <em>defect rate</em> <em>zinc phosphate </em>adalah sebesar 1% dari total jumlah produksi tiap bulan. Dalam menyikapi permasalahan tersebut, perlu adanya upaya pengendalian kualitas, yaitu dengan metode <em>Statistical Process Control</em> (SPC) dan <em>Failure Mode and Effect Analysis </em>(FMEA). Hasil pengolahan data dengan menggunakan <em>Statistical Process Control</em> (SPC) dan metode <em>Failure Mode and Effect Analysis </em>(FMEA) disimpulkan bahwa penyebab dari kecacatan <em>zinc phosphate </em>terjadi karena faktor manusia, bahan baku, lingkungan, mesin, dan metode. Dengan metode <em>Failure Mode and Effect Analysis </em>(FMEA) diketahui bahwa prioritas perbaikan akar permasalahan dengan urutan nilai <em>RPN (Risk Priority Number)</em> tertinggi terdapat pada <em>defect non-homogeneity,</em> dengan nilai RPN 504. Mode kegagalan tersebut disebabkan karena belum ada di <em>Work Instruction </em>(WI) dan <em>Standard Operational Procedure </em>(SOP) untuk standar takaran pengisian larutan akselerator maupun penentuan waktu penambahan larutan akselerator tersebut. Untuk mengatasi mode kegagalan pengisian larutan akselerator tidak tepat takaran ini, diperlukan tindakan perbaikan WI dan SOP, lalu dilakukan indoktrinasi terhadap operator.</p> Zulkarnain Larisang Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Teknik Ibnu Sina (JT-IBSI) 2024-01-08 2024-01-08 8 02 140 153 10.36352/jt-ibsi.v8i02.638 PENILAIAN POSTUR KERJA DAN KELELAHAN OPERATOR STORE PT XYZ MENGGUNAKAN METODE REBA http://ojs3.lppm-uis.org/index.php/JT-IBSI/article/view/737 <p><em>There are still many work activities that are done manually and require a person to have more abilities in bones and muscles. but one's ability is also limited, as a result when doing manual work, it is not uncommon for complaints to occur in the muscles, namely Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). the activities carried out at PT XYZ are still manual, especially in the process before and after mixing the resin material, so there are many complaints in this activity. This study aims to determine the subjective complaints of MSDs, the level of ergonomics risk and the correlation between work posture, age, body mass index, smoking habits on MSDs complaints. The instruments used are NBM questionnaires, pictures of work postures and questionnaires on worker characteristics. in the NBM questionnaire, the subjective complaint most felt was in the waist with a score of 40 (100%). The method used is the REBA method with the calculation results having a high level of risk, namely in the section before the resin material mixing process an average of 11 and in the section after the resin material mixing process an average score of 9.3. based on the results of research tests related to MSDs complaints are work posture, age and body mass index, with a significance value &lt;0.05, while those that are not related to MSDs complaints are smoking, with a significance value &gt; 0.05.</em></p> Budhi Santri Kusuma Rizki Prakasa Hasibuan Anwar Badruszaman Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Teknik Ibnu Sina (JT-IBSI) 2024-01-10 2024-01-10 8 02 154 159 10.36352/jt-ibsi.v8i02.737 PERANCANGAN APLIKASI GAME INTERAKTIF ASAH IQ ANAK USIA DINI PADA SEKOLAH TK BERBASIS ANDROID http://ojs3.lppm-uis.org/index.php/JT-IBSI/article/view/743 <p><em>Human capabilities are increasing along with the pace of technological development, where humans in terms of doing their work mostly use computers. Children aged 4-7 years in the learning process prefer learning while playing, because children at this age prefer colorful, attractive and interactive visual forms. In manual testing, for example by using a piece of paper to test a child's IQ, it is likely that the child will have difficulty and get bored quickly. Advances in Android Smartphone technology are demanding for all parts, not only parents, children are also familiar with this Android technology. For this reason, the authors are interested in conducting research by making an Android-based Children's IQ Test game application that is more interactive by combining multimedia elements that can be controlled via an Android application using a smartphone device. The method for making the IQ Teaser Game Application for Early Childhood is MDLC, consisting of 6 stages, namely: concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing and distribution. This interactive learning media is made using the Adobe Flash CS6 application. The purpose of this study is that this application can help children aged 4-7 in measuring their IQ abilities more interactively and easily and divert boredom when learning to access their use by utilizing smartphone technology with the Android Operating System. The result or output is an IQ-teaching game application for early childhood at the Ra As Syauqi Kindergarten school which can be installed in the Apk format through the parents of each student.</em></p> Army Trilidia Devega Okta Veza Nirwana Sitopu Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknik Ibnu Sina (JT-IBSI) 2024-01-18 2024-01-18 8 02 160 173 10.36352/jt-ibsi.v8i02.743