About the Journal

About the Journal

Jurnal Industri Kreatif (JIK) e-ISSN: 2597-8950 at https://ojs3.lppm-uis.org/index.php/JIK) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific articles from industrial engineering disciplines.

Articles published in Jurnal Inudstri Kreatif (JIK) include the results of original scientific research (top priority), new scientific review articles (not priority), or comments or criticism of scientific work published by Jurnal Industri Kreatif (JIK .

Jurnal Industri Kreatif (JIK) is published by LPPM Ibnu Sina University.

This journal accepts manuscripts or articles in the field of industrial engineering from various scientists and researchers both nationally and internationally.

Articles published in Jurnal Industri Kreatif (JIK) are articles that have gone through a peer-review process. The decision to accept scientific articles in this journal is the right of the Editorial Board based on recommendations from Peer-Reviewers.


Journal History

Jurnal Industri Kreatif (JIK) First published in Agustus 2017, published in one year in 1 volume and 2 numbers.

In 2019 Jurnal Industri Kreatif (JIK) migrated from Ibnu Sina STT hosting to Ibnu Sina University hosting.

In 2019, Volume 3 number 1 of the Ibnu Sina Engineering Journal (JT-IBSI) was published at Ibnu Sina University hosting